marco 0 Uncategorized 05/08/2014 ‘How to be a small business – on an international scale’Z-CARD Managing Director, Liz Love, continues her column on Small Businesses in the London Business…Read More
marco 0 Uncategorized 04/14/2014 Sanofi Pasteur selects innovative marketing toolsPocketMedia Solutions in South Africa prove once again that they can highlight important medical information…Read More
marco 0 Uncategorized 04/03/2014 UKPIPS launches the “Z” Card for Primary Antibody and Primary Immune Deficiency patientsZ-CARDs are ideal for keeping vital, personal information on person, in case of an emergency…Read More
marco 0 Uncategorized 03/31/2014 IPEXLast week, Z-CARD attended IPEX, the world's largest print & publishing exhibition. It was a…Read More
marco 0 Uncategorized 03/03/2014 PocketMedia® Awards 2014 goes international!The PocketMedia® Awards celebrate the very best success stories in print, mobile communications. For 2014,…Read More