All companies – regardless of the size of their marketing budget – should be thinking intelligently about where and how they spend it. Last week, Marketing Week looked at companies that demonstrate how to roll out a successful campaign on a tight budget. Prostate Cancer UK has successfully raised awareness of the risks and symptoms of this common male cancer, while working with limited resources.
Vivienne Francis, communications director at Prostate Cancer UK told Marketing Week that the charity is “trying to do as much as those bigger businesses are on a much smaller budget”. Vivienne recognises that a brand needs to be distinctive in order to stand out and really connect with people. “You need to think hard about how you can stand out and really connect: and that isn’t just about pumping out messages to people”.
Prostate Cancer UK successfully creates multiple touch points to raise awareness and ensure their message is remembered. Their latest campaign “Men United” uses a combination of a short-running TV campaign, digital activity and lots of partnerships to support the campaign.
Prostate Cancer UK uses a Z-CARD® as part of their Men United campaign. The charity produces a “Know your Prostate” guide which encourages men to know the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, and the support that is available to them from the charity. The retainable nature of the Z-CARD® format ensures the charity’s message is remembered.
For more information on how a Z-CARD® can increase recall of your brand or message, or simply to request a sample pack, please get in touch on 020 7924 5147 or at