Brand storytelling is becoming a two-way street

By 04/07/2015 November 10th, 2015 Uncategorized

Technology is making it increasingly easier for companies to integrate interactivity into their marketing campaigns. According to Martin Moll, Honda Europe’s marketing director, brands must build on core truths to reap the full benefits of these advances in technology. From wearable technology to bridge technologies, brands are creating memorable experiences for consumers based on interaction with the brand and its values.

Interactive content brings a human element to a brand and ensures customers feel like an active participant in the action, rather than a viewer being fed information.  Honda embraced the “two-way environment” approach in their latest campaign, named The Other Side. The Other Side is a short film which Honda created to show the difference between the conventional Honda Civic and their new sportier model, Type R.

The short video features a dual storyline, which viewers can switch between. The first story sees a man taking his children to a party, whereas when a viewer holds down the R key, the scene switches to night time and the same man is shown as an undercover cop posing as a getaway driver in the new Type R car.

The aim of the campaign, similar to what other companies are doing to take advantage of the advancements in technology, is to engage viewers and make them part of the action. Marketing Magazine spoke to Honda’s marketing director, who explained that part of the goal of The Other Side campaign is to re-engage customers with the brand, which is what will ultimately result in customers continuing to be loyal to the brand.

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